Thursday, May 17, 2012

Stone Age

The Stone Age is part of human prehistory, which means that it took place before there were any written records. Archaeologists have to be detectives, piecing together clues to try to figure out how people lived. Special techniques, such as radiocarbon dating, help experts figure out the age of ancient artifacts.


  1. Find out more about radiocarbon dating and report back what you learned.

  2. Examine the two pictures and make some educated assumptions about the life of the people. Report back on your thinking about this.


  1. 1. Radiocarbon a.k.a. Carbon 14 (C14) can come into an animal's body and stay in it. After the animal dies it takes longer to decay.

    2. I think that the stone drawing and artifacts had to do with cavemen that hunted/tamed animals because there was animal bones and teeth as objects. For the drawing it is because there are only 2 people and 9 animals. So that makes me think that they liked animals.

    Epic Al

  2. Radio carbon dating also known as just carbon dating is a method that uses the naturally occurring radioisotope carbon-14 (14C) to try and estimate the age of the carbon holding material, they can estimate up to 60 000 years in the carbon! All living things contain carbon 14 (C14) in equilibrium with all available atmosphere right up until the moment of death! When a living thing dies the amount of C14 in it begins to decay!
