Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ancient Cave Paintings

Take another look at this video which we used as an introduction to the Ancient Civilizations unit.

Find out more about the cave paintings found in France and Spain which date 15 000 years ago. Look at them carefully and think about what clues they provide about these ancient relatives of ours.


  1. Ancient civilization always piqued my interest and I am fascinated by this new unit and blog that we are doing. I love the myths and facts and other stuff about ancient civilization, I know a lot about Greek, Egyptian, and Norse civilization the way they lived and the gods and myths that originated from that era. The video that we as the class watched was quite opening and collective, I searched the address http://www.ricksteves.com/ and on that site I searched up cave paintings in the search bar and I found more videos about the Lascaux and I found a map and a video just showing every single depiction that is on the walls or ceilings. The drawings were very well drawn and had a lot of character and detail, most of sections consisted of a single animal, and the cave seemed to go on forever! The map of Lascaux looked like a messily scrawled ‘K’ in italics. Some of the animals were mythical such as unicorn and other creatures but the gist of it was just regular animals that helped them survive… I think / hope we are going a bunch of cool things and I am very excited!

  2. I think I know why the cavemen were able to make painting that humans of the twenty first century can't even do. my answer is that is that in this time it is all work no rest but back then it was fell the peace take time to rest hunt a bit have fun so there was no pressure.

  3. The caves of Lascaux are really cool (especially after the video)
    Lascaux is estimated to be 17,300 years old!
    the original Lascaux has 6 different rooms The Great Hall Of Bulls, the Passageway, the Shaft,
    the Nave, the Apse and the Chamber Of Felines
    Lascaux II only has 2 The Great Hall Of Bulls and another one with random paintings, the Painted Gallery.
    they were discovers on september 12 1940 by 4 teenagers
    there are nearly 2,000 paintings in Lascaux
    and only 900 of them are animals the rest are either Dots (thought to be star charts), symbols and humans.
    and 90 out of 900 animals paintings are stags.
    the bull hall has the amazing 17-foot long painting of a bull!
    oh and 1 more thing there is this EVIL black mold in the original cave which is affecting the awesome

  4. I'm finding your comments very interesting and informative.

    I'm also a person really interested in studying about ancient civilizations. I think that by learning about the past helps us to understand more about ourselves and our civilization. I also like to think about what types of values and interests different cultures have in common.

    Another thing that fascinates me is the architecture and religion of ancient people. I can't wait to get into that topic!
